08-22-2022 -GraphQL Landscape Weekly Report

This is a weekly report providing a snapshot of the GraphQL landscape that is of interest to the wider community. Items added to the report may not have occurred in a given week, but were found that week. Things here may change depending on your feedback or improvements in layout or format. Let the experiment begin!


Identify the people each week who are doing interesting things within any of the areas below.


The Beat

Interesting issues on Github

  • Title: Redefine the problem that "struct" is solving
  • Description: Advice: Back up from proposal to redefine the problem. For input unions that was very helpful. A lot to like, but also opening up a lot of things we decided against. Sounds a bit like a panacea. We might solve all problems, but in an inadequate way.
  • URL: https://github.com/graphql/graphql-wg/issues/1100

Interesting discussions on Github

  • Title: "Metadata Directives" Proposal
  • Description: Given the revived discussion around schema metadata and their relationship with SDL directives, I'd like to propose a high level direction for this. My goal here is to introduce something with as few additional moving parts as possible. It's intended to be simple rather than robust.
  • URL: https://github.com/graphql/graphql-wg/discussions/1096


Interesting Tweets

Interesting Videos

  • Title: GraphQL Live Queries (in-memory)
  • Description: GraphQL "live" queries is a concept that's been around for quite a while, and implementations can vary. Some are even subscriptions under the hood.
  • URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iamn8fZSEXc



  • Title: GraphQL Conf
  • Description: On September 29, 2022, join us for your favorite virtual conference and top-notch GraphQL Talks! Organized by Hygraph and commercetools.
  • URL: https://graphqlconf.org


Platform Totals
Twitter Followers 81,532
Active on Discord 700-800
LinkedIn UG 2,748
Meetup groups 140 groups 84,890
Github Metrics
Watchers 535
Forks 1,144
Stars 13,850