GraphQL Landscape Weekly Report

This is a weekly report providing a snapshot of the GraphQL landscape that is of interest to the wider community. Items added to the report may not have occurred in a given week, but were found that week. Things here may change depending on your feedback or improvements in layout or format. Let the experiment begin!


Identify the people each week who are doing interesting things within any of the areas below.


  • Name: Spring for GraphQL
  • Description of Use: Spring for GraphQL started out with the HTTP and WebSocket transports - must haves in the GraphQL world. Our programming model allows adding others too, and our existing infrastructure pointed at another clear candidate: the RSocket protocol. In RC1 we’ve added client and server support for GraphQL over RSocket.
  • URL:

  • Name: GraphQL extension for VSCode
  • Description of Use: GraphQL extension for VSCode from the GraphQL Foundation adds syntax highlighting, validation, and language features like go to definition, hover information and autocompletion for graphql projects. This extension also works with queries annotated with gql tags or comments.
  • URL:

The Beat

Interesting issues on Github

  • Title: [RFC] Collections / CollectionTypeDefinition
  • Description: This RFC introduces a new variant of Lists/Arrays that have named entries key-value pairs. Which can be queried exactly like arrays, but a result is an object.
  • URL:

Interesting discussions on Github


  • Title: Wundergraph is being released as an open source project
  • Description: Sign up on the website to be notified of the release
  • URL:

Interesting Tweets

Interesting Videos

  • Title: Operation Collections: Save and share GraphQL queries
  • Description: Operation collections allow us to save, organize and share useful GraphQL operations in different Collections. These can align to different use cases, client apps, or personas, and mean that developers can learn about the graph and start running operations right away.
  • URL:


  • Title: vscode-graphql, LSP, IDE Roadmap 2022
  • Description: This applies to graphql-language-service-server, vscode-graphql which will soon be merged with this monorepo, and many other IDE plugins who often utilize graphql-language-service-cli via python, lua, java, etc.
  • URL:

  • Title: StepZen GraphQL Benchmark
  • Description: Performance is an important issue for APIs that drive user experiences. It's well understood that user engagement with an application drops quickly with increases in latency. Real-world workloads run in chaotic environments, and force both the best and the problematic parts of a system. So the ability to measure the performance of your system is important. This GraphQL Benchmark tool will help you do just that.
  • URL:


  • Title: ng-India
  • Description: Learn how to use GraphQL in Angular apps with MongoDB and Realm
  • URL:

  • Title: GraphQL Conf
  • Description: The GraphQL Foundation-hosted event for spec and implementation contributors! The GraphQL Foundation's inaugural GraphQL Conf will be co-located with OpenJS World and cdCon in Austin, TX on June 7-8, 2022.
  • URL:


Platform Totals
Twitter Followers 74,484
Active on Discord 600-700
LinkedIn UG 2,638
Meetup groups 142 groups 84,295
Github Metrics
Watchers 547
Forks 1,128
Stars 13,712
Stack Overflow Questions 46,312